Engage to Achieve: CQO Outside of Supply Chain


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CEC Hours: 1

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Value based care requires coverage decisions both at the national level and the local level. Each healthcare organization must make technology and intervention choices based on the needs of their unique patient population.

Budget Impact Analysis (BIA) is a type of analysis that can bridge organizational gaps to help improve coverage decisions for new products or procedures. Because a BIA can be adjusted to meet the goals of a particular population with particular needs, it can also improve the value and the quality of healthcare. This type of analysis can help Supply Chain leaders and their collaborative value analysis teams to make local adoption decisions in a timely manner, while considering cost, the well-being of patients, employees, and the organization itself.

Supply Chain professionals are a critical collaborator in adding to the progress made across the different disciplines, and utilizing opportunities to build upon their experience to refine and expand the definition of value analysis.

How this session relates to the Cost, Quality, and Outcomes (CQO) Movement: This is a perfect example of working to meet budgetary needs while looking towards the well-being, safety, and successful outcome of patient care. This is the paradigm toward which health care is turning. Supply Chain is no longer just about pricing.


Learning Objectives:
  • State importance of collaborating across disciplines to achieve cost, quality, and outcomes goals.
  • Define Budget Impact Analysis and its relationship to other types of assessments and analyses.
  • List three groups that supply chain professionals can collaborate with and their approaches to CQO.
  • Identify six tools used by other disciplines that can assist SC professionals in defining value in healthcare.


  • Elizabeth Meyers, RN, PhD(c), CPHIMS — Strategy Director, Infor


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