AHRMM Health Care Learning Community (HCLC)
AHRMM is pleased to announce the formation of the AHRMM Health Care Learning Community (HCLC). The HCLC, modeled after the successful Learning UDI Community (LUC), will continue AHRMM’s tradition as an unbiased convener with a coalition-approach program whose purpose is to develop solutions through the formation of cross-functional work groups made up of subject matter experts and stakeholders from across the health care ecosystem.
Now more than ever, this is the time for multidisciplinary stakeholders to come together and combine expertise and resources to create a more connected, resilient and efficient health care supply chain.
Work groups members will collaborate with each other to develop recommended practices and solutions around common health care challenges. By speaking with a unified voice across the health care continuum, we aim to increase acceptance and adoption from the broader stakeholders groups, their members and affiliates.
Sign Up to Learn More about the HCLC
Why Participate
- Examine and address major challenges facing the health system with a curated community of respected experts.
- Help shape the field by joining a powerful network of health care game changers with diverse representation, transparency and accountability.
- Develop tools and resources that help facilitate delivery of high-quality care.
The first two work groups to come from the 2020 CQO Summit Workshops are:
Integrated Surge Supply Strategies
This work group will explore various ideas and solutions to increase the resiliency and flexibility of the health care supply chain, including the pros and cons of individual vs. regional surge inventories, production capacity strategies that allow surge demand for pandemic-related products to be met, and building increased supply flexibility across the entire supply chain continuum from the point-of-manufacture to the point-of-use.
Read the Integrated Surge Supply Strategies Pre-Charter
Read the Recommended Inventory Reserve Strategies
Enterprise-Wide Cost Reduction Strategies Beyond Product Pricing
- As hospitals move through the “3 Rs” of relief, recovery and rebuilding/reimagining, the concept of spend under management begins to encompass much more than supplies. From a supply chain perspective, it includes all non-labor related spend. This work group will explore ideas that help establish enterprise-wide expense management strategies in an effort to deliver savings and efficiencies to offset expected increases in supply costs.
Read the Enterprise-Wide Cost Reduction Strategies Beyond Product Pricing Pre-Charter
Sign up to join the HCLC and receive communications and calls for work group members.
Work Group FAQs
What is the proposed duration for each work group?
Ideally, work groups will work together four months on average. These are timely topics, and the goal is to have these groups come together to address the pain points, hardwire lessons learned, and distribute the deliverables as soon as possible.
What deliverables will be created?
- Webinars
- Podcast/Webcasts
- Case Studies
- Infographics
- eLearning Courses