Strategies for Planning and Development
Strategies for Planning and Development

Lisa Farmer

Robert Matthews
Learn about innovative recruitment and retention strategies specifically designed for the dynamic health care supply chain field in this presentation. Discover the pivotal role of continuous talent development initiatives in bolstering skill sets, expanding knowledge bases, and nurturing employee contentment to drive organizational success.
Learning Objectives:
- Explore effective recruitment and retention strategies tailored to the health care supply chain sector and the importance of ongoing talent development programs to enhance skills, knowledge, and overall employee satisfaction.
Attendee Reviews:
"GREAT presentation. Lisa was amazing in her delivery of the content. Very motivational and loved the weekly newsletter. We will definitely implement that."
"Great example of building a culture!"
"Thank you for reminding me why I come to work each day! Thank you for sharing your passion for Supply Chain Management."
Lisa Farmer, Vice President Supply Chain, Baptist Health
Robert Matthews, (Retired) Senior Supply Chain PreSales Consultant, Workday Inc.
This session was presented at the Spring Summit: Transformational Excellence. This virtual event included three days of unique educational content to inspire change and propel the field into a new era. See what you missed and prepare your organization for the emerging generational transformation!