Contact Hours (CECs)
Continuing Education Credit (CEC) hours are used for renewal of the Certified Materials & Resource Professional Certification (CMRP) credential. A CEC hour is defined as 50 to 60 minutes of educational experience. To qualify for credit, all activities must be at least 30 minutes and must be reported in 30 to 60-minute increments. Activities must be educational, non-commercial, and deliver best practices, case studies, resources, and/or solutions relating to the CMRP designation as outlined in the Certification Examination Guide.
To learn more about CECs for CMRP certification, visit the AHA Certification Center.
AHRMM Programs
AHRMM offers CECs for a wide range of webinars, eLearning courses, on-demand webinars as well as our annual conference. Browse the Knowledge Center to search our programs and events.
Chapters & Non-Affiliated Programs
Local affiliated chapters and non-affiliated organizations can offer AHRMM Continuing Education Credits (CECs) for their own educational programs and courses. All programs must meet specific guidelines and must be pre-approved by AHRMM.
Please complete and return the appropriate CEC Application (chapter or non-affiliated organizations) and the Session Description Excel Form to ahrmm@aha.org. AHRMM will review and respond with application status within two approximately two weeks.
CEC Application: ChaptersCEC Application: Unaffiliated Organizations Session Description Form
NOTE: AHRMM has updated its application policies and pricing. Please review prior to sending.