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Discover tips that can separate a health system’s success or failure when creating a viable purchased services sourcing program in this short video webcast.
Michael Neely introduces the topic of risk sharing as it is becoming more popular in healthcare and how it can improve patient care while lowering costs. To learn more about risk sharing and how providers and suppliers can work together to generate financial, operational and clinical value, join AHRMM for a webinar on March 14 at 12:00 PM CST.
Telehealth is here to stay, and supply chain must be aware of happenings within their communities and their own health care organizations. This webinar discusses telehealth services and their various modes, how supply chain can contribute to telehealth success, and what steps are needed to maintain that success.
Custom Procedure Trays (CPTs) create efficiencies in hospital work flow and inventory management. By Joseph A. Jackson, managing director, Strategic Healthcare Services LLC   
Get introduced to risk sharing in health care and learn how providers and suppliers can work together to generate financial, operational and clinical value by watching this AHRMM Webcast featuring Michael Neely.
Discover tips that can separate a health system’s success or failure when creating a viable purchased services sourcing program in this short AHRMM webcast.
Supply chain departments in healthcare organizations can add significant value to their procure-to-pay process by integrating their enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems with an eMarketplace solution.
This paper examines the journey that an organization travels to arrive at an outsource decision and the challenges that it should be alert to post contract. The Literature Review section provides a context for the recommendations offered in the case study illustration. The recommendations deliberately focus on providing proper governance and oversight during the operational phase after the contract has been awarded and is up and running.
A sample of a laundry Construction, consultant RFP covering all the basics. Download the document and tailor it to your needs.
This document provides interim guidance for infection control for healthcare facilities (e.g., hospitals, long-term care and outpatient facilities, and other settings where healthcare is provided).
Sample request for proposal for face-to-face spoken language and American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter services. Download Now